How Ascend Works

Ascend became an expert in all your options to get out of debt, so you don't have to be.

And, we do it all, for free.

Step 1: You're stressed from debt.

You may be similar to someone we recently helped where your situation is specific and personal, you can't find all the answers, and you feel companies are trying to sell you something

Step 2: You take an Ascend calculator

The free calculator tells you all about how much your option costs, the pros and cons of those options (including potential credit implications), and the duration.

Most Popular

If you're thinking about debt

If you have unique debt case

Debt Relief Calculator

Step 3: You schedule a call with us to go through options.

Schedule Complimentary Evaluation

Don't worry—you can have as much time as you'd like. 15 minutes is just where we like to start so we can discuss your situation.

There is no limit to the number of calls. Yes, they are always free.

Step 4: We provide a free analysis and send you on your way without ever paying us a dime.

How Ascend Makes Money

Since we don't offer many services 'in-house,' we work with a reputable provider network that provides free evaluations to you, but may compensate us for the connection.

And, only 18.9% of those who have taken one of our forms in 2024 to date have actually gotten connected with a service.

We would love to speak with you regardless.

We love this business model, as we can provide 100% free and unbiased calls as we work with a highly rated company for each option:

Step 5: Ascend Mission/Values

Our Mission/Values

Helping Americans get and stay out of debt cheaper, easier, and faster.

Our Story

As a young boy, I watched my family deal with a great deal of stress from unsecured debt. This forced us to live paycheck to paycheck. I didn't know how to deal with it. I put $10 I had earned from my paper route in an envelope and gave it to my mother, hoping it would bring relief; instead, it brought tears.

As I grew up, I mistakenly thought that I needed to become wealthy to prevent this from happening to my own family. I didn't focus on the root issue, which is that very few people learn how to save and spend money effectively. In addition to the lack of education, the taboo around 'money talk' and subsequent lack of conversations created strife in my personal relationships as a result of different expectations around money saving and spending. In order to tackle these issues, I realized the power of utilizing data to not only help people get out of debt, but also help them stay out of debt through money management techniques.

And so, Ascend was built.

Schedule Free Evaluation